about Signing up...
Signing Up for iDecide4Europe.eu it is not the only way to start your participation, but it is the best one! Great experiences and opportunities are waiting for those who get directly involved in action. For instance, by signing up you'll be able to participate in local, national and transnational activities, such as creativity workshops, information rounds, campaign contents challenge, access to project gifts and one week free participation in a transnational youth exchange, everything at your own rithm and availability! Come and join us!!! If you have any doubts about your elegibility to participate, please ask your national partner organization. See more details in contacts or partnership pages.
who can participate?
We are developing different ways to participate aiming the involvement of all, independently of age, gender, nationality, ethnicity, religion, political orientation or anyother personnal characteristic. The most important for us is to facilitate awareness on the importance of participating in democratic processes and in the construction of a better future.
Although, to participate directly in Localized Activities, such as workshops, transnational Youth Exchange, and information rounds, you should have between 18 and 30 years old, and preferably be physically near the places where we'll host these activities.

soon we'll be giving more information on how to participate...
meanwhile you can just get started!

about iDecide activities
Project team is at the moment preparing main project activities. Very soon, you'll be able to find at iDecide4Europe.eu information about these activities, which we divide in two groups:
x Web based activities: a set of simple but powerful web based participation tools, such as polls, forums, social networks, access to project gifts and interactive tools you should not miss!
x Localized activities: to be implemented allways inside partner regions, including activities such as creativity workshops, information rounds, campaign contents challenge, and one week participation in a transnational youth exchange abroad!
© 2014 by make it BETTER et al.
The iDecide4Europe.eu is an output from iDecide project and is a politically neutral initiative that seeks to amplify young peoples knowledge and participation on democratic systems, either at national or European level.