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Sign Up form
To better prepare and implement iDecide activities, tailoring them to your needs and interests, we need to collect some information about you. Don't worry we are estrimely carefull with privacy issues and also we don't like spam!

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please ask to your national partner
The data provided is processed automatically and is intended for registration and management of participants in iDecide project activities, and as well as eventual promotional actions of Make it Better (miB) and project partners. The respective holder of the data are ensured, pursuant to the law of data protection and privacy, the right of access, modification or removal of data, simply by contacting project partnership. By submitting your registration (signing up) you agree with these terms and with the use of the same data in actions of communication and visibility of the project, as defined by regulation of the financing programme (Youth in Action).
© 2014 by make it BETTER et al.
The is an output from iDecide project and is a politically neutral initiative that seeks to amplify young peoples knowledge and participation on democratic systems, either at national or European level.
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