"Strengthening Youth Democracy through Participative Leadership"

about the project...
iDecide - Strengthening Youth Democracy through Participatory Leadership - is a youth initiative settled under the Youth in Action Programme. During 12 months and till the end of 2014 it is expected to involve a total of 320 direct participants, implementing 12 national level workshops and 2 transnational activities, which include a final transnational seminar and youth exchange. Visibility and communication measures and mainly the implementation of a campaign encouraging the participation in the 2014 European elections, should reach and engage a much larger number of indirect beneficiaries. Come and join us!!!


about the objectives...
iDecide aims to contribute to the development of a favourable background that fosters the participation of younger citizens (their communities and organizations) in the construction of a more cohesive and inclusive Europe, reducing simultaneously the gap that separates youngsters individual view on democracy from the notions of common good and citizenship. Project will promote awareness on European democratic system, by showing the relations between democratic institutions at local, national and European level and explaining the available citizenship tools, such as the 2014 EU elections.
The Partnership, composed by 6 private and public organizations from Portugal (make it BETTER; Ligarte), Spain (Ecos do Sur; Concello de Tui) and Italy (Pronexux; Comune di Reggio Calabria), will apply complementary and synergic skills and competencies in the fields envisaged (youth, citizenship, democracy, best practices for inclusion, culture and intercultural learning, project management, participative methodologies, dialogue, empowerment, capacity building, sustainable development, entrepreneurship, networking, dissemination, among others.). Click here if you want to know more about partners!
about principles & methodology...
Project team will develop a set of practices framed by principles of participative leadership, empowerment, non-formal learning, and open coordination, which will be capitalized by the use of pedagogical tools and methodologies crossing participants specific interests, such as “culture” and free creative expression. The methodologies apllied will allow youngs to exchange information and points of view about democracy in different European countries. The participatory leadership approach will be used during the National workshops (and also at transnational Seminar) with participation of youth and politicians, decision-makers or experts. Two main cross approaches will be followed: “EuropeCaffé” and “Story Farming&Harvesting”, a kind of story telling methodology... hope you enjoy it!

© 2014 by make it BETTER et al.
The iDecide4Europe.eu is an output from iDecide project and is a politically neutral initiative that seeks to amplify young peoples knowledge and participation on democratic systems, either at national or European level.